Turning Pain Into Purpose: Suicide Awareness With Dr. Lena Clark

Dr. Lena Clark on The Mental Health Today Show

Dr. Lena G. Clark, FOUNDER/CEO of Miracle Mind Global, LLC

Dr. Lena G. Clark is a certified mental health coach, a global ambassador chaplain, a certified mental health first aider, an author, an inspirational speaker, an entrepreneur, a humanitarian, a philanthropist, a community leader, a philosopher, and a designer. 

Dr. Clark the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Miracle Mind Global Network & Associates, Inc., the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Miracle Mind Global, LLC, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of IMBUE Water, LLC, and the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of My Mind Multivitamins, LLC. 

As the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Miracle Mind Global Network & Associates, Inc. and the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Miracle Mind Global, LLC, her ultimate goal is to provide, protect, and perform to the very best of my ability. 

With over 20 years of experience in the mental health industry, Dr. Clark has one simple mission to build a global mental wealth empire by coaching and empowering individuals who have made a decision to change their mindset. 

Her Mental Wealth programs deliver both personal and professional results, and she is truly passionate about helping others become the best possible versions of themselves through education, resource sharing, and building a community of unity. 

Dr. Clark’s qualifications make me the perfect fit if you’re looking to overcome obstacles and limiting beliefs to transform into the person you desire to be.

As a mental health coach, her services are highly inspiring. I’m on a mission to reunite, reposition, and rebuild individuals who want to transform their lives for better quality.



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